Saturday, November 27, 2010

WIR BASTELN: Geschenk Verpackung Alternativ

WIR BASTELN: Geschenk Verpackung Alternativ

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reiki/ self-healing


Reiki energy heals all living beings, including plants and animals. It can also heal personal relationships and bring about abundance. Reiki is most often used for physical healing, but it can be used to manifest "the highest good" in any situation. Reiki is especially good at healing cancers, tumors, depression, anxiety, pain syndromes, and other diseases that modern medicine struggles to calm. Reiki is also an unparalleled way to accelerate your path to spiritual growth and physical and emotional self-healing.

How Does Reiki Work?

Human beings are multi-dimensional. Constant stress causes emotional & physical dysfunction, emotional fatigue leads to physical illness, a physical injury or disease can lead to depression. All these dimensions are interconnected, and the energetic dimension of the body is the foundation. Reiki works by healing energetic blocks and imbalances at this very important energetic level. By healing the root of disease at this fundamental level, the emotional, mental, and physical integrity of the system are restored. In other words: the physical structure is built upon the energetic pattern. The physical results of energetic treatments include restoration of function, shrinking of tumors, and balancing of hormones. If you repair the physical structure but do not address the underlying energetic dysfunction, the physical disease recurs - whether it manifests as depression, anxiety, heart conditions, cancer, or obesity. The physical disease is merely the body's way of expressing the true problem, which lies on the fundamental, unseen, level.

Today, Reiki is incorporated into several different therapies. Many nurses are Reiki practitioners and have been granted permission by their hospitals to practice Reiki with patients at the hospital. While science cannot explain exactly how Reiki works, it is clear that Reiki energy is beneficial and not harmful in any way - it promotes true and powerful multi-dimensional healing.

Reiki is an excellent energy healing modality for anyone in health crisis or diagnosed with an fatiguing, or energy-consuming disease (i.e., most chronic or life-threatening conditions). It is a powerful complement to western and natural medicine. It is also the perfect modality to accompany acupuncture. Individually, both acupuncture and Reiki do a wonderful job of balancing the body's energy as it flows within the body. Acupuncture also does an unparalleled job of removing energetic blockages. However, acupuncture's limitation is that it cannot bring new energy into the system - it can only work with the energy already there. Reiki actually brings new energy, the life-supporting, organizing energy, into the body. It is the only form of energy medicine that can do this in a powerful, consistent way. Together, they are two sides of a coin: acupuncture removes blockages and pathogenic Qi, while Reiki brings in pure, healing, strengthening Qi. The healing power of combining acupuncture (or conventional medicine) with Reiki is wonderful. The benefits of bringing vitalizing energy into an energy-deficient system are innumerable.