Friday, December 31, 2010

Healing Touch

REIKI Healing seems to focus primarily on the physical. However, what my journey through REIKI has led me to discover--is that the soul is involved as well. Much of what I do as a practitioner, is to gently lead others back to themselves. I use the body to touch the soul. I consider what I do--Reverent Touch. We all have choices and options as to which path of wellness we use to help ourselves. The beauty of REIKI, is that it touches on many levels of healing. Sometimes the body is what it is--and physical healing is not part of the process. It is at these times, that I have seen the miracle of our soul works. It is here that I have seen the body become invisible and the soul more tangible. Maybe it's because of the loss of control--the soul is more open. For whatever reason, I feel immensely humbled and grateful to be a silent witness. One of the things that I enjoy about my work here, is that there is very little talking involved. Most of the time the client is so physically and emotionally drained, that all they want to do, is get on the table and just fall asleep for an hour. I love that. When someone totally surrenders to the art of bodywork, something wonderful happens--the energy has the freedom to do it's work. In this vulnerability, all expectations are void and the soul is able to receive. It never ceases to amaze me, that what the client always LOVE. I had this experience happen just recently during a session. When I work, I usually do so with my eyes closed, allowing my hands to work intuitively. Towards the end of the session, I felt my heart open and fill with this incredible feeling of unconditional love. I had a vision of the client being held by the most gentle, yet powerful hands. When the session was finished, I went to wash my hands. When I came back into the room, the client shared their experience with me. They said that during the last few minutes of the session, they had felt like they were being held, nurtured and loved. I smiled, but kept silent. I feel that whatever each client receives is private and special for them. Yet I did thank them. Because by allowing me to touch them--I was shown what healing is all about. I have learned, that I don't always know what someone else needs from a session. But if I can just let go and trust, allowing myself to be open to receive it.....I know that they will to!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Have a look
On this BLOG you find

" Alternative packing for X-mass"
Plus things to make by your self in 2-3 hours.
Have a nice day! Take care!