Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reiki and Menopause


Any woman over forty years old knows that the menopause is coming
sometime in the near future.

There has been a lot of publicity about HRT and how, through taking this hormonal replacement, all your worries are over. The facts, however, are not as clear cut and you might well want to consider your options.

This article is offering some alternatives to help you through this period of time because if you go the more natural route once your menopause is over, it's over. It's important to know that those who choose HRT, when they finish their treatment, are still facing symptoms of the menopause! In other words, hormone replacement therapy postpones the symptoms.

Tips on Entering Smoothly into Menopause

Exercise regularly. It keeps the metabolism going and is often helpful with depression, anxiety, stress and weight gain. Weight bearing exercise will help to maintain a healthy bone calcium content and help to prevent osteoporosis.
Eat a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and essential fatty acids. Cold water fish are great sources of essential fatty acids: salmon, halibut, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and herring. Essential fatty acids help to support the nervous system which may be important for memory and brain function. They are also anti-inflammatory and are very important for skin health. Include soy in your diet. It often helps with hot flashes and estrogen regulation in your body.
Nuts and seeds can also be added to the diet for a source of fiber, protein, and essential fatty acids. For example, flax seeds are an important source of healthy anti-inflammatory fats and can help regulate estrogen levels.
Avoid unnecessary sources of sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. Avoid smoking as it has been linked to more severe hot flashes and night sweats.
Remember that balance in the body is what helps to create health. Make sure to nurture your mind to keep it quick, your body to maintain physical health, and your spirit and emotional life to keep you positive and happy.

hormone replacement therapy. Is it for you?

Hormone Replacement Therapy replaces the female hormone oestrogen in normal doses. This involves daily oral oestrogen tablets or weekly oestrogen patches applied to the skin, with the addition of the hormone progesterone for some women.

long-term use of HRT

We are now learning that HRT is not always suitable for long-term use, as it increases risks of breast cancer, stroke and heart disease (Women's Health Initiative - WHI study). New clinical guidance recommend that GPs offer HRT in only the worst cases and for a period of only five years. Even in the early stages of use, 4 out of 5 women find that HRT doesn't agree with them.

A recent survey of 2,000 women revealed that 6 out of 10 women had tried HRT, and 33% had chosen to come off it after less than a year.
a personal choice
The decision whether to take replacement hormones remains a very personal one. A woman should discuss this with her doctor before reaching any conclusions. Although not for everyone, hormones may provide relief of some of the annoying symptoms of menopause, but women should be aware that potential risks exist.

The main factor in the way menopause affects the individual is an imbalance in hormone levels. These hormone imbalances account for many of the symptoms of menopause including, cramps, migraines, hot flashes, and emotional instability.

As Reiki is known to bring balance to the various systems within the body, it has the ability to bring relief to those suffering from the effects of Menopause. Over time, Reiki has been known to normalize menstrual cycles, reduce migraines and cramping, and lessen the frequency of hot flashes. Reiki has the potential to do for you naturally, what your doctor hopes to do with prescription drugs. It may be worth looking into. Your health and quality of life should be the central focus of any therapy, and Reiki may be the key to unlocking your ability to heal yourself naturally. If you are experiencing the symptoms of Menopause, be sure to research the many alternative therapies available to you. Your health hangs in the balance.

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