Wednesday, March 30, 2011

After Fukushima what can I cook to be safe?

Many natural remedies have been in use in Japan from ancient times,
but over the years with large amounts of processed food and meat we
stress and harm our body's.
After FUKUSHIMA many are lost what to do, what to cook, the daily
question what to eat is more difficult if we have no knowledge how
we can protect ourselves with good food.
First we need to know what is safe to buy even if the radiation is
higher there is food we can buy and use daily.
Our diet should be high in natural anti oxidants because radiation
means more free radicals in our system.
To understand it better I tried to explain it to the best of my
knowledge after I started reading on the subject of good food.
I will use my REIKI blog for English information and recipes.
Hope it will help not to worry to much.
Stay happy and healthy!

Free radical is an atom or molecule with an unpaired electron. Unpaired electrons make for very unstable highly reactive atoms and/or molecules. Paired electrons by way of contrast, are the characteristic of a far more stable state. Researcher and writer, Michael Dye, explains it this way.
"This is a very hazardous, unnatural and unstable state, because electrons normally come in pairs. This odd, unpaired electron in a free radical cause it to collide with other molecules so it can steal an electron from them, which changes the structure of these other molecules and causes them to also become free radicals. This can create a self perpetuating chain reaction, in which the structure of millions of molecules are affected in a matter of nanoseconds (a nanosecond is a billionth of a second), wreaking havoc with our DNA, protein molecules, enzymes and cells."
How do free radicals get into our bodies?
From Within - as natural by-products of ongoing biochemical reactions occurring in normal metabolic functions, in the detoxification processes and in the immune system defence.
From Outside - free radicals (better yet! - free radical generating substances) can be found in the food we eat, in our water supplies (especially after chemicals and pollutants have entered into them), drugs and medicine we ingest and the air we breathe.
Our environment contributes immensely to the spread of free radicals, as do processes like drugs, radiation, pesticides, air pollutants, solvents, fried foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke, etc. All the things most of us are exposed to all the time.
Airborn emissions, excessive sunlight, chlorination, chemical sources and pollution may create free radical damage to our body's cells causing oxidation.

What Can We Do?
"Free Radical Scavengers" (anti-oxidants(  are key elements in the defence system, which the body uses in order to neutralise the activity of these free radicals.
Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene and Selenium among other nutritional benefits, have strong anti-oxidant properties. I assume that you are already quite familiar with these important nutrients and take them on a regular basis with your food.
Green tea is the best known helper in the defence of free radicals.Next to miso and natto.
If you are in Japan drink good green tea daily 3 times 200 ml a time with your meal.
Since bottle Tea is coming from West Japan it is safe from the water as well!

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