Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pumpkin Curry

Serves 2
you need:
1/2  Pumpkin      ( New Zealand )
250 g minced meat ( Pork )
1 Onion         ( cut very fine )
2 1/2 cm Ginger ( cut very fine )
1 glove Garlic  ( cut very fine )
3 tbs Oil
1 tbs Soya
300 ml Mineral Water
150 ml Tomato juice
pickled baby onions (from a glass)
Pepper and Salt
1 Stock cube (chicken)
1 tbs Curry powder ( mild )
1 tsp Cornstarch  ( dissolved in a bit of water)
1.  Clean and cut the pumpkin, prepare onion, ginger,garlic
2. In a pan heat the oil and fry the meat with the onion, ginger and garlic
   an till brown.
3. Season with salt, pepper and the curry powder.
4. Add water, stock cube and the tomato juice and simmer for 5 min.
   then add the pumpkin and simmer 15 min.
5. Add soya and cornstarch bring it to a boil and remove from heat
   ( season again to taste)
Serve on Japanese rice with pickled baby onions

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