Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ricotta & Spinach Gnocchi

A quick vegetarian dish
Ricotta & Spinach Gnocchi

Cooking time 20 min

You need:
15 g low-fat spread
65 plain flour
450 ml milk
100 g Parmesan cheese freshly grated
450 g fresh spinach / or 250 g frozen chopped spinach, thawed
175 g ricotta cheese
1 egg yolk
salt + pepper
freshly grated nutmeg

Meld the spread in a pan, stir in 20 g flour and cook
over gentle heat for 1 min.
Off the heat, gradually stir in the milk.
Bring to the boil,stirring until the sauce thickens.
Simmer for 1-2 min, then stir in 25 g Parmesan.
Set aside, keep warm.

Prepare fresh spinach and wash.
Cook in salted water for 1-2 min./ or
warm through thawed spinach.
Drain, chop and beat into ricotta with 45 g flour,
egg yolk and 60 g Parmesan. Season well with
salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.

In a pan heat up salted water till it boils,
dust your hands with flour and shape heaped teaspoons
of the mixture into rounds.
Drop into simmering salted water.
The gnocchi are cooked when there float to the surface,
after 4-5 min.
Drain and place in a lightly greased flameproof dish.

Spoon over the sauce and sprinkle with remaining
Parmesan cheese.Place under grill.
Grill until golden brown.

It serves 4 / main course

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